Let’s say you went to your local dentist for a check-up or you felt something uncomfortable and went. You might feel quite surprised with the results as you might need an implant or two, or you might need a full set of teeth implants such as All on 4 System dental implants or All on 6 System dental implants. Hearing this for the first time may be overwhelming. However, this is about health. Quality parameters of a dental implant can be measured according to several main variables, there will be a list for this quality parameters below.

Dental implant treatment is about health. Having an unhealthy mouth system will affect everything in your life. Proper mouth healthy system will increase your confidence and you will be able to eat everything. Having a bad mouth health and system will make you feel less confident and when you want to go out with your friends having drinks and food will be less fun.
The effect of not having a good and healthy mouth system affects your confidence on one side, the other side is the effect on your wallet. It can be extremely and unfairly expensive to get dental treatment in the UK or USA. Especially, if you do not possess good health insurance, the prices will be astronomical but do not worry we are here to help you at Dentafly Dental Implants and Smile Studio located in Antalya/Turkey.
How to check quality of dental implants?
Dental implants are made of titanium. That is the best material in terms of strength and stability that is also bio-compatible. Unlike other materials, titanium does not cause an allergic reaction or anything bad to our body. There have been clinical trials going for over 30 years that none of the patients had any problems.
There are many different dental implant types for each case of use for every patient. Not every patient has the same problem thus, there are many different implant types. The differences are the surface of the dental implants and the body of the implants.
Along with different surface material and body, there are different use cases that are different implants. The implants that are mostly used are called “endosteal” type dental implants. There are “zygomatic dental implants” and “subperiosteal” dental implants that are being used for different cases of patients.

We are going to talk about endosteal dental implants in this article. That is the most common dental implant that is being used for All on System dental implants and one or few aesthetic and function dental implants.
- Endosteal dental implants
Endosteal dental implants are the most common dental implant type that is being used for dental restoration. Endosteal dental implants are the most suitable type of dental implants that are good for the jaw bone. They are good for stopping bone loss and have the best rate of bone to dental implant connection.

The shape of an endosteal dental implant is like a screw. The dental implant manufacturers have all different types of abutments that are fit to the dental implant. The duty of the abutment is to be the middle part that is connecting the dental implant to the false tooth which is a crown made of Monolithic Glass-Ceramic Zirconia crown or e-max full veneer.

Endosteal dental implants have been used for dental treatments for over 50 years. The clinical trials are still going on to find a better material than titanium dental implants and different surface materials and dental implant body type. Up to this date, the titanium dental implants have proven themselves to not create any complicated problems in the jawbone of the patient.
The criteria parameters that shows the quality of a dental implant
As it is mentioned, what makes a dental implant good is the dental implant material, surface material, and dental implant’s body type. We will go over each of the criteria to help the patient to know what they might need for their dental implant treatment. Of course, a dental implant surgeon can say what the patient needs for absolute certainty. But, it is always good for the patient to learn about the dental implants and dental implant types so that they will be able to ask the correct questions to the clinic that they have gone to. It is important to ask questions to the clinic so that you can learn more about the dental implants and dental treatment that you are going to get. You will be able to sort out the good clinic that is using the good quality material and working with the best brands such as Straumann dental implants, Hiossen dental implants, and Nobel Biocare dental implants.
Dental implant material
There has been numerous research that proves and provides the importance of using titanium dental implants for patients. Titanium does not cause any harm, pain, or any problem with osseointegration. On the contrary, titanium is helping with the osseointegration progress. Using titanium will not cause an allergic reaction of any sorts for the patient. The dental treatment will be smooth and reliable.
Surface material of a dental implant
Dental implant manufacturers have their own research development center for such actions to find the best and then the better dental implant surface. The surface material of a dental implant is what makes the difference among other dental implants. The surface can make the difference of increased osseointegration to shorten the healing period for the patient or it can increase the osseointegration and it can completely erase the healing period and the treatment can be completed immediately.

As it is mentioned above, the dental implant manufacturers have dental implant surface materials that they have founded by themselves.
Straumann has their SLActive surface that they are using for their Straumann BLX dental implants with SLActive surface. Using Straumann BLX with SLActive surface gives predictable results. Predictable result means that the dental implant surgeon can know what is going to happen and what is going to happen afterwards in terms of healing period, strength, and stability of the Straumann BLX dental implant with SLActive surface.
Hiossen has their NH surface which is a Nano-Hydrophilic surface. They are combining their SA surface, which is Sand-blasted with Alumni and acid-etched system surface to their Nano-Hydrophilic surface. Hiossen have made significant increases to osseointegration that increased the quality of their dental implants. Similar to the Straumann BLX SLActive surface, Hiossen ET NH System dental implant can give predictable results that reduces half of the waiting period and can be used for immediate restoration.
Nobel Biocare is the first dental implant manufacturer that pioneered and clinically trialed the All on 4 System dental implants. Their Active surfaces dental implants are one of the best for immediate function.
Dental implant body type
One of the main parts of a dental implant is the body type and the taper on the body just like on the normal basic screw. The tapered body helps the implant to hold on to the jawbone of the patient. Straumann BLX has an extra special tapered body that does not just go through the jaw bone but it pulls the jawbone to itself.

As it is seen on the photo above, the Straumann BLX dental implant with SLActive surface has canals that while the dental implant is being placed, the canals hold the bone close to the dental implant. This means that the osseointegration starts immediately and the Straumann BLX dental implant with SLActive surface is strong and stable from the start.
Same as Straumann BLX dental implant with SLActive surface, Hiossen uses their own creation of tapered body type with open canals to increase the osseointegration, stability, and strength.
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