Mouth hygiene habits are extremely important when it comes to patients with dental veneers. They are delicate yet extremely strong material for the smile aesthetic restoration process. Taking good care of emax laminate veneers are the key to long lasting usage of your perfect smile aesthetically and healthily.
When it comes to our own teeth, we must brush at least twice a day. With veneers, taking more precaution to take good care and increase our hygiene habits and consumer products. There is no need to take extreme precaution and/or increase the amount of time for dental care.
It is not a lie that having the perfect teeth is expensive and everyone wishes to have their dream teeth. In order to have and use your perfect teeth, it is important to follow up with your doctor’s advice and this guide.

What to be careful about dental hygiene?
In general, everyone should go to a dentist’s office once a year to get their mouth hygiene checked up before a much bigger problem occurs. If you have emax laminate veneers, it will be again better to go to a dentist’s office once a year to get your mouth hygiene checked to prevent any bigger issues in the future.
Along with good mouth hygiene, there are few other tips that will help the patient to use their veneers for many years to come.
- Good oral hygiene habits
- Avoiding hard food
- Laminate veneers are cemented to the surface of the teeth thus, they are a little more delicate towards biting hard food
- Regular brushing
- Rinsing
- Using night guard
- Especially if the patient is experiencing “grinding” problems
- Using appropriate toothpaste
- Patients can easily learn by asking to their dentists
- Avoiding abrasive dental products
- Only follow the dentist’s recommendation
- Do not attempt any DIY solution

Full Guide: Journey to Perfect Hygiene in Dental Veneers
As we have mentioned above, the oral hygiene is up to the patient to keep up. Your habits will affect the longevity of your veneers and prevent future problems. Everything in life needs some sort of maintenance and here is what you can do to increase the life of your veneers:
Good oral hygiene habits
It is important to brush your teeth, rinse, and especially, using a mouth shower, also known as waterpik, water floss, and a couple more, will help to keep your mouth hygiene at its highest point.
The materials used in Dentafly are cannot be stained by any kind of consumer products. On the surface, after consuming colourful products, stains may be seen. These are only on the surface that will be easy to get rid of after brushing/waterpiking.
Avoiding hard food
The emax material allows the patients’ teeth to not to be prepared as much as Monolithic Glass-Ceramic Zirconia crowns or porcelain crowns. The material’s strength does not allow the minimal preparation to be less durable, however the laminate veneers are made to stick only to the front part of the tooth rather than completely embracing the tooth from all surroundings.
There is a chance that biting hard food along with sticky food can be a problem for the patients’ laminate veneers. The main reason is the food but what can happen after consuming hard/sticky products and not being able to clean them properly. The food that is hard or sticky most likely to go in between teeth, laminate veneers, and it will be hard to get them out without properly brushing, flossing, and using waterpik.
Brushing regularly and especially after consuming “bad” food, such as sugary food, is important to stop the bacteria build up. It is important not to allow bacteria to build up on your teeth surface. As the time goes by, the bacteria will make their way into the gums and cause much bigger periodontal problems.
The brush choice should be made wisely as well. You should listen to your doctor’s recommendation on which type of tooth brush to use. Hard toothbrush or brushing hardly can cause visual damage on the laminate veneers. Not only for the laminate veneers but you can damage your original teeth by using a hard toothbrush and brushing really hard.
Avoid Abrasive Toothpaste
The surface of the emax is Glass-Ceramic. It is not actual “glass” that can break but it is a delicate material to achieve the perfect translucency and aesthetic. That is why, using toothpaste that has a high amount of bicarbonate (baking soda). There is a chance of the toothpaste to cause lines of stains after some time. In general, toothpaste with high amounts of bicarbonate causes the surface of the emax laminates to dry out and can cause discolouration that will make your teeth look wearsome.
That is not the outcome we want for our patients on the way to clean and healthy teeth. Gel based and non-abrasive toothpaste selection will be better for the future of the emax laminates. Every patient and every case is different. For the best outcome, please follow your dentist’s advice
Don’t Do It Yourself: Listen to the Dentist
EMAX is a material that is not going to lose its colour or get damaged on the surface on its own by normal day use, food and drinks, etc. There is no need to use “experimental” methods to get them “whiter” or “cleaner”.
There are many websites that offer different methods to “whiten” your teeth. Even if they are “correct”, they will cause damage to the enamel tissue of your teeth eventually. We will not explain the methods here of course but they involve products such as baking soda and hydrogen peroxide that can cause damage to the emax laminates.
Your dentist will explain the best way to maintain the look of your dental emax veneers and as long as you follow those “rules” and “advice”, you will maintain your perfect smile.

Economy of Maintaining a Healthy and Perfect Aesthetic Smile
There is no need to purchase extra dental health products other than toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss or waterpik. These are necessary whether or not you have emax veneers. Most basic dental health products will be enough with regular use to keep your veneers healthy and increase their durability as well as long use maintaining the perfect aesthetic.
If you were to go to the dentist’s office every 6 months to a year, you will be paying around £50-300 every year on top of the dental health products. Whether you have veneers or not, it is important to keep your mouth health level high. Only way to do this is to go to the dentist’s office regularly for a check up. With a regular habit of brushing, flossing/waterpiking, and going to the dentist’s office, if there were to any decay forming or periodontal diseases, the treatment can start earlier which will decrease the amount of money you have to pay and time you have to spend at the dentist’s office.
Most expensive product can be the waterpik. Unlike toothbrushes, everyone in the house can use waterpik. There will be no need to buy a new one for a long time. In terms of price/performance and as well as the cleaning performance, it is an investment of your time and health.
Colour Choice of Veneers: White is the best
Of course the option is up to the patient. The design, the shape, and the colour of the veneers are subjective matters. That is why, here at Dentafly Dental Implant and Smile Studio, our patients decide their own design, shape, and colour.
We are providing our patients with many opportunities and examples so that they can choose the best colour for themselves.
There are many patients who ask whether or not they will be able to whiten their veneers. The reason for that is, they think that their new teeth will get discoloured after some time. That is not the case in our dental hospital thanks to digital dentistry.
It is possible to perform whitening to veneers but there is no guarantee of 100% effectiveness. They might look “refreshed” in a sense but they will not be back to their 100%. Thanks to Ivoclar’s Digital IPS E.max CAD/CAM Lithium Disilicate Veneers, discoloration is not an option. Our patient will not have problems such as this one.
Can EMAX Veneers Come Out?
Simple answer, no. But, there are many requirements involved in that simple answer that say “no” to the question “can the veneers come out?”. The design is quite important and the preparation. Since the material is thin, the design part for the laboratory team is extremely important. The structural integrity will be made according to the “golden ratio” by the CAD (Computer Assisted Design) programme. The CAD does not allow any mistakes. As the CAD creates the “golden ratio”, CAM (Computer Assisted Manufacturing) machines perfectly manufacture the design according to the patient’s design and shape selection as well.
There are many different methods of “cementing” process. Every dentist has a different method that applies and satisfies the patient. There are 2 main factors:
- CAD/CAM compatibility
- Cement brand
There are many different cement brands in dentistry. The top three are considered the best and they are being used in Dentafly Dental Implant and Smile Studio.
Taking CAD/CAM compatibility and a good brand of cement into consideration, the patient will not experience such problems as their laminate veneers falling out.
Can EMAX Veneers Stain?
The material itself cannot be stained in any case. Whether you are eating chocolate or drinking wine, there will be no permanent stains on your emax laminate veneers. You might see some stains on your emax laminate veneers, but if you were to wash your mouth, if you are outside, it will go away and the pure aesthetic and colour will show itself.

Many years ago, perfect aesthetics came with a price. The preparation required for “teeth restoration” or a “smile makeover” was much more than how much it is today. The reason for this is because the crowns were made by hand by the laboratory technician. The laboratory technicians are precious of course but it is a fact that human made CAD/CAM machines are much more precise when it comes to such delicate work.
When the crowns were up to the technician, the preparation required by the dentist was much more in order to have a strong crown and aesthetic smile. That is why, the crowns that were made many years ago are the result of some of the prejudice against crowns now. With the Digital Dentistry and CAD/CAM machines, teeth are not shaved down to a “stub” or a “peg”.
Ivoclar has made a revolution to the emax products and is still upgrading their material. They have manufactured Digital Dentistry CAD/CAM machines to go along with their emax material. Not only for their own line of dentistry products but they have opened their machines for every brand to make dentists and most importantly, laboratory’s job much easier. This led, not only, to the laboratory team’s job getting easier but the design, the shape, and the colour of the crowns, veneers, laminate veneers are much more precise for the patients satisfaction.
With Ivoclar’s CAD/CAM machines and a good laboratory team, there are no limits to offer to the patients who wish for different designs to achieve their perfect smile.
EMAX LAMINATE VENEERS: Who can be offered?
EMAX material can be used for everybody. With emax, it is possible to offer both laminate veneers and full veneers. The difference is obvious but there are some cutbacks. It is not possible to offer emax laminate veneers to every patient. The biting position and the occlusion of the patient is important. 5 Advices after e.Max treatment:
1. Go check up after 1 year of E.max treatment
2. use the dental hygiene instructions given by dentist
3. If you see any color changes, let dentists know as soon as possible
4. Use mouth wash daily
5. Stay away from fake color foods.
The reason behind the importance of the biting position and occlusion is not because of the material but because of the minimal preparation that is done for the emax laminate veneers. They are thin as a leaf and they are placed on the surface of the teeth only, unlike emax full veneers. Emax Full veneers are placed just like crowns to teeth so that they are not as vulnerable as eMax laminate veneers to the wrong biting position and occlusion types.
Enemy of EMAX Laminates: Wrong biting positions
There are many patients out there that have the wrong biting position. There are four different types of wrong biting positions. These are:
- Overbite
- Underbite
- Crossbite
- Open bite
The main reason why people with these biting positions cannot have emax laminates is that aesthetically, teeth are not going to be “fixed aesthetically”. The “harmony” of teeth is not going to be “straight”. Of course, not everyone wants perfectly straight teeth but that is about the shape of an individual tooth. What we are looking at is the general look of teeth. With the emax laminate veneers, crooked teeth and the types of biting position we have mentioned above cannot be “corrected”. In order to correct the aesthetic of teeth, we must perform, depending on the level of crookedness, extra preparation. This part is important for the aesthetic look of teeth.
We cannot offer emax laminate veneers to patients with these cases of biting position. The point of emax laminate is to achieve an aesthetic smile and an aesthetic smile is not only about the colour of teeth but the design and the shape as well.
EMAX Laminate Veneers: Perfect Aesthetic with Minimum Preparation
As we have mentioned before, with the CAD/CAM machines making their way into dentistry as a revolution to change the simple dentistry to Digital Dentistry, they have made something that was seem impossible about a decade ago. What we are talking about are veneers that require almost no preparation to the teeth but the end results are fantastic.
Not everyone wants to get their teeth shaved down to a “peg” or a “stub” to have the aesthetic smile that they were dreaming of for many years. With Digital Dentistry and Ivoclar’s revolutionary product, emax, this is possible. Not only with the emax laminate veneers, but with the emax full veneers, the dentists do not need to shave down the teeth “too much” for the patient to have their dream aesthetic smile. With a clinic that is using Digital Dentistry equipped laboratory and intraoral scanning instruments, like Dentafly Dental Implant and Smile Studio dental clinic, you are in safe hands.
EMAX Full Veneers: Everyone Deserves
It is a known fact that the material emax is aesthetically pleasing compared to the other materials that are being used for smile makeover or dental restoration. The surface material, which is called Glass-Ceramic, offers much more natural looking smiles for those who are going for the “Natural Smile Makeover” rather than “Hollywood Style Smile Makeover” although both smile makeovers are possible with EMAX material.
Emax full veneers are basically emax laminate veneers but require the tooth to be shaved down on every axis instead of just the front surface. The structural integrity and strength of the emax material allows the patient to choose the design, the shape, and the colour regardless if it is emax laminate veneers with minimum to no preparation or emax full veneers with minimum preparation.
Emax full veneers allow every type of biting position and occlusion to achieve the perfect aesthetic smile. Preparation of the teeth on every axis allows the laboratory team and the designers to produce the design and the shape that the patient requested. That is the reason every type of biting position and occlusion can have their dream aesthetic smile makeover.