
What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small, screw-like posts made of biocompatible materials, usually titanium, that are surgically placed into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. They act as artificial tooth roots, providing a strong foundation for supporting various restorations like crowns, bridges, or even dentures.

Dental implants are most commonly made of titanium materials. Materials such as zirconia, stainless steel and gold are also sometimes used. The reason why titanium is chosen as a dental implant material is:

  • Biocompatibility
  • Strength and durability
  • Corrosion resistance
dental implant simulation view

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants are materials that are titanium and mostly placed in the tooth root (instead of the missing tooth) by the oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The placed dental implant generally becomes fully compatible with the gums within 3 months. After this stage, a piece called “abutment” is placed on the dental implant. A crown is placed on the abutment dental implant by the dentist.

Dental implants are mostly accepted materials by NHS and other health communities. To make sure that a dental implant is known, it is necessary to verify it on the manufacturer’s website.

Dental Implant Placement - 1st Step

After examining the X-ray, the oral and maxillofacial surgeon places the dental implant in the most appropriate place to replace the real tooth, according to the bone and jaw structure. This surgery takes approximately 15 minutes.

Healing Process - 2nd Step

The patient follows the procedures prescribed by the surgeon for a period of approximately 3 months to ensure that the dental implant placed in the jaw becomes fully compatible with the gums.

Crown Placement - 3rd Step

After the approximately 3-month healing process is completed, the surgeon checks the implant. If deemed appropriate, a zirconia or porcelain crown is placed on the implant by the dentist.

how do dental implants work?

What to expect after dental implant surgery?


After undergoing dental implant surgery, some bleeding is to be expected. It’s important to distinguish between normal bleeding and excessive bleeding that might indicate a potential complication.

Bleeding after dental implant
Oral Hygiene

Dental Implant Reviews from Turkey

Maintaining meticulous oral hygiene after your dental implant surgery is crucial for optimal healing and long-term success. Also, patients should be careful right now: Brushing, flossing, health foods.

Facial Bruising

Facial bruising can occur during the dental implant process, although it’s not as common as swelling. Facial bruising after dental implant surgery is a possible, but not always common, side effect. While it’s generally not a cause for concern, it’s crucial to monitor the bruising and contact your dentist if you have any concerns about its severity or accompanying symptoms.


The specific medications recommended by a physician during or after dental implant treatment will vary depending on individual needs and potential risks.

Hard or crunchy foods

After undergoing dental implant treatment, it’s crucial to be mindful of the foods you eat, especially during the initial healing period. Hard and crunchy foods can pose a threat to your new implants and hinder proper healing.


After getting dental implants, it’s crucial to adopt a specific eating pattern to promote proper healing and minimize risks. You can ensure a smooth healing process and enjoy your new implants for years to come. Remember, prioritizing a soft diet initially is crucial for successful implant integration and long-term success.

Are dental implants right for me?

You can ask your eligibility for dental implants to experienced doctors. Expert surgeons decide whether a patient is suitable for implant treatment. Fill out the form to review your eligibility.


    Dental Implants vs. Dentures/Bridges

    This table compares dental implants and dentures/bridges to help you make an informed decision.

    Feature Dental Implants Dentures/Bridges
    Placement Surgically inserted into the jawbone Rested on gums or anchored to surrounding teeth
    Stability Highly stable and integrated with the jawbone Can become loose or shift over time
    Comfort Feel and function like natural teeth May cause discomfort or irritation of gums
    Appearance Most natural-looking option Can appear bulky or unnatural
    Speech No impact on speech May affect speech initially
    Eating No restrictions on normal diet May limit certain foods to prevent slippage or damage
    Oral health Preserve bone health and stimulate surrounding tissues Can lead to bone loss over time
    Durability Last for decades with proper care Need to be replaced every 5-10 years
    Cost More expensive than dentures/bridges More affordable initially
    Procedure Requires surgery and healing time Non-surgical, immediate results
    Maintenance Regular brushing and flossing Regular cleaning and potential adjustments
    Suitability Good for most patients with healthy jawbone Not suitable for everyone, especially those with weak jawbone or medical conditions

    Cost Comparison: Dental Implants vs. Dental Implant Alternatives

    Option Single Unit Full Treatment Average Range Notes
    Dental Implants Cost £1,500-£3,000 (incl. crown) £25,000-£50,000 £1,500-£3,000 per implant More upfront cost, but long-term investment due to durability.
    Dentures Cost £600-£1,500 (per plate) £1,500-£3,000 (upper/lower) £1,500-£5,000 (full/immediate) Affordable initially, but potential future replacements and adjustments.
    Bridges Cost £2,000-£5,000 (per pontic) £4,000-£15,000 £2,000-£5,000 (traditional) Varies based on type (traditional, implant-supported).

    Dental Implant Reviews from Turkey | Dentafly Clinic 2024

    Ms. Melissa - Dental Implant Journey
    Dear Dave - Dental Implant Process
    Charlene from UK - Dental Implant Review
    Jack Fincham about Dental Implant Process
    Dental Implant Comparison: Turkey vs UK

    Dental Implant Procedures: Turkey Vs. UK

    Aspect Turkey UK
    Cost Significantly lower costs (80-90% cheaper than the UK). Higher costs, rarely covered by NHS unless medically necessary.
    Quality of Care and Expertise High standards with advanced technology, though varies by clinic. Dentists often trained internationally. Highly regulated with mandatory registration. Consistently high standards of care.
    Travel and Convenience Popular for combining treatment with tourism; travel and accommodation add to costs. Convenient for residents; international patients face high costs and travel.
    Language and Communication Many dentists speak English, but potential language barriers exist. No language barriers for English speakers.
    Aftercare and Follow-ups Complicated by distance if issues arise after returning home. Dentafly provides aftercare guarantee. Easier management of follow-ups and continuity of care locally.

    Dental implant procedures in Turkey and the UK offer different experiences and benefits, largely influenced by factors like cost, expertise, and healthcare standards. Here’s a comparative overview: