What is Smile Aesthetics?
Antalya Smile Aesthetics

Smile is an important tool for people to reflect their mood and emotions. Individuals can create a better impression and establish more active relationships with a beautiful smile. Smile directly affects communication in social life and people’s psychological health. People with a beautiful smile lead a more confident and happier life.

What is Aesthetic Smile?

Aesthetic smile has different meanings for everyone. Most patients desire the design of a smile they have seen and liked on someone else. However, it would be wrong to shape the treatment around this. This treatment process needs to be specifically planned for the patient.

Smile aesthetics involves making necessary improvements for the alignment, deformities, color, and health of teeth. For this, aesthetic treatments like braces, bonding, crowning, and whitening are applied. In case of missing teeth, implants are made. These procedures are completed quickly and reliably.

Pink aesthetic treatments are applied for poor gum alignment, asymmetric gum appearance, and darkening. All these improvements in teeth and gums form the basis of a beautiful smile.

Smile Aesthetics Treatment
Smile Aesthetics Treatment

There are numerous variables that reflect smile aesthetics, like the smile line, smile arc, smile level, upper lip curvature, lip fullness, and tooth display. Each of these variables is handled one by one based on the patient’s health and expectations. Then, a harmonious whole is created from all these factors, achieving a beautiful smile.

Smile design may be a subjective design, but often only a single value is accepted as correct for some of these variables. These can be listed as follows:

What Do We Pay Attention to When Performing Smile Aesthetics Treatment in Our Clinic in Antalya? 

Smile design may be a subjective design, but often only a single value is accepted as correct for some of these variables. These can be listed as follows:

Smile Line:Another name for the smile line is the lip line. Lip line is classified as high, moderate, or low. High lip lines show the gums more than needed. In low lip lines, the upper lip curves downward, allowing only two-thirds of the upper teeth to be visible. So, the lip line is expected to be moderate for an aesthetic smile.

Smile Arc: The smile arc is the gap between the tip of the front teeth and the lower lip line. This arc can be observed in three ways as parallel, straight, or reverse. For an aesthetic smile, the smile arc should be parallel.

Upper Lip Curvature: This is the angle between the midpoint of the upper lip and the edges of the lip. The edges of the lip may be positioned at the same level with the midpoint or below or above it. The desired curvature for an aesthetic smile is that the edges are located above the midpoint.

Labiodental Relationship between the Lower Lip and the Upper Front Teeth: This shows how much contact the upper front teeth are in with the lower lip. The teeth may touch the lip, not touch it, or completely cover it. For an aesthetic smile, the front teeth should slightly touch the lower lip.

Patients are examined under clinical and radiographic conditions. If there is any problem in the teeth or gums, the necessary intervention is performed. Photographs of the patient’s face and inner mouth are taken. Then, a measurement of their mouth is taken. A model suitable for these measurements is produced.

Before the treatment, patients can see the design on the computer environment and try it in their own mouth using dentistry methods. Patients can share what they like and dislike about the design with the physician. This way, patients do not encounter anything unexpected after treatment.

The treatment process and the number of sessions change based on expectations from treatment. In cases of missing teeth, implant treatment is planned primarily and the necessary treatments for aesthetic smile come after.

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    When Is
    Smile Aesthetics Applied?

    Smile aesthetic is applied when requested by patients or when a specialist doctor deems it necessary. Patients who start smile aesthetics treatment can be categorized as follows.

    What is Gingivectomy?

    Patients who apply for this treatment often find their teeth to be small. The lip is where it should be. Gums that are too long cover the teeth. This causes the teeth to look small. By gingivectomy, the gingival tissue is moved away from the teeth. With the gum raised higher, the teeth are made more visible.

    Gum Graft

    Patients who need this treatment do not have a symmetrical gum. Gums may appear shorter or longer at different areas. For example, brushing teeth with the wrong method causes the gums to be pulled up. In this case, whitening the yellow root just below the gum is not a solution. The solution is to make a graft at the root of this long-looking tooth. Thus, the gum is pulled down to its correct level.

    Gummy Smile Operation

    For patients who need this procedure, the problem is not in the teeth or gums. Despite a suitable ratio of teeth and gums, their gums are too visible when they smile. When these patients smile, their upper lip curves upwards too much and go up towards their nose.

    In this case, operation is performed above the lip. Operation does not change the smile line completely, instead prevents the lip from curling up. Since the lip does not go up as much, the gum is not as visible as before.

    b. Crowns in Implant Treatment: Implant treatment may not always be a clear process of eliminating a single tooth deficiency. In some cases, different treatments need to be applied to nearby teeth.

    When the implant becomes completely healthy, zirconium crowning is performed. Then, various procedures are performed to restore the natural appearance of the teeth. As DentaFLY, we provide a healthy appearance in a very short time with crowns produced in our own institution.


    If the redness of the gums is not caused by inflammation, that is, just a darkening in color, biostimulation is applied. In this procedure, gums with a purple or blackish color are turned into a light pink color using laser.

    Zirconium determines how the teeth look. So, it is crucial that the zirconium crown be made in a suitable size for the tooth. Also, in zirconium crowns, using colors compatible with other teeth is a key element that makes the teeth look good in terms of smile aesthetics.

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