All on Six Treatment in 4 Steps

3D XRAY Step for all on six antalya

1) 3D X-Ray

3D X-ray and Tomography detects all issues. Bone level and tissue measurements can scan easily by this step

all on six implant placing same day

2) Implant Placing


Our surgeons and cosmetic doctors place per implant very easily. Thanks to the digital implantology tech that we are using in Antalya 2023.

temporary teeth for all on six

3) Temporary Teeth

⏰ Same Day Temporary Teeth Ready

These are operations that can be performed on the mouth and jaw area by a surgeon. Temporary teeth are produced specifically for each patient. It does not cause discomfort like false palates.

smile makeover all on six process

4) All on Six Smile Makeover | Result

⏰ 3 Months Later

After 3 months later, our cosmetic dentist removes temporary teeth. Then design smile aesthetic procedure and prepare the best smile design with patient. This process takes only one day thanks to the technology used in Dentafly.

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    All on Six Treatment Steps in Antalya DentaFly

    As Dentafly Dental Clinic, we all just focused digital dentistry since 2005. Our cosmetic dentists have been completed thousands processes until today. This techniques provides us to complete a case in 4 steps.

    How we perform All on 6 process in 4 Steps? 

    1st Step : 3D X-RAY

    3D Xray all on six
    3D Xray all on six

    3D X-RAY: This step takes 15 minutes. Dentist can detect any issue on mouth and teeth. Our surgeons check 3D X-ray to detect biting problems. Our cosmetic dentists check teeth for shaping, color specify, tissue and detect bone level values. These all provides a comfortable process in digital smile design. Guests name for the smile line is the lip line. Lip line is classified as high, moderate, or low. High lip lines show the gums more than needed. In low lip lines, the upper lip curves downward, allowing only two-thirds of the upper teeth to be visible. So, the lip line is expected to be moderate for an aesthetic smile.

    2nd Step : Implant Placing

    All on Six Dentafly
    All on Six in one day

    Implant Placing: Same Day (Day 1ST)

    After 3D X-Ray process, Our dentists are starting to prepare teeth for the result. This steps can managed by several dentists in Dentafly. Cosmetic dentist shape teeth and prepare teeth for smile design process.

    3rd Step : Temporary Teeth to use 3 Months

    temporary teeth dentafly
    temporary teeth dentafly

    Temporary Teeth for All On Six: Same Day (1St Day or Day 2ND)

    Cosmetic dentists measure mouth/teeth by 3D scanning. Lab. technicians prepare temporary teeth set in the same day. All temporary teeth produce by digital tech in DentaFly.

    4th Step: All On Six Done – Smile Makeover

    all on six smile makeover
    all on six smile makeover

    All on Six Done : 3 Months Later Cosmetic dentists and patients design teeth together. There is no any surprise and unwanted designs by this tech. Patients get what they see in the following day. Dentafly Digital All on Six® system provides robust and unrivalled results. 

    Dentafly Digital All on Six®

    There are numerous variables that reflect smile aesthetics, like the smile line, smile arc, smile level, upper lip curvature, lip fullness, and tooth display. Each of these variables is handled one by one based on the patient’s health and expectations. Then, a harmonious whole is created from all these factors, achieving a beautiful smile.

    Smile design may be a subjective design, but often only a single value is accepted as correct for some of these variables. These can be listed as follows:

    What Do We Pay Attention to When Performing Smile Aesthetics Treatment in Our Clinic in Antalya? 

    Smile design may be a subjective design, but often only a single value is accepted as correct for some of these variables. These can be listed as follows:

    Smile Line:Another name for the smile line is the lip line. Lip line is classified as high, moderate, or low. High lip lines show the gums more than needed. In low lip lines, the upper lip curves downward, allowing only two-thirds of the upper teeth to be visible. So, the lip line is expected to be moderate for an aesthetic smile.

    Smile Arc: The smile arc is the gap between the tip of the front teeth and the lower lip line. This arc can be observed in three ways as parallel, straight, or reverse. For an aesthetic smile, the smile arc should be parallel.

    Upper Lip Curvature: This is the angle between the midpoint of the upper lip and the edges of the lip. The edges of the lip may be positioned at the same level with the midpoint or below or above it. The desired curvature for an aesthetic smile is that the edges are located above the midpoint.


    If the redness of the gums is not caused by inflammation, that is, just a darkening in color, biostimulation is applied. In this procedure, gums with a purple or blackish color are turned into a light pink color using laser.

    Zirconium determines how the teeth look. So, it is crucial that the zirconium crown be made in a suitable size for the tooth. Also, in zirconium crowns, using colors compatible with other teeth is a key element that makes the teeth look good in terms of smile aesthetics.

    All on Four Procedure in Dentafly

    All on Six Procedure in Antalya
    antalya dental treatments

    Smile Design

    Designing a smile suitable for the face and lip structure.

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    Zirconium Crowns

    These are crowns made of zirconium on the outer surface of the tooth.

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    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    These are operations that can be performed on the mouth and jaw area by a surgeon.

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    Teeth Whitening

    This is applied when the natural whiteness of the tooth is lost.