Tooth decay is a common problem that everyone, at some point in their lives, have. With the advancement in dentistry, It is easy to clean the cavity and apply aesthetic composite filling. With the aesthetic composite fillings, old amalgam fillings and their silver look are no longer the only option. They were strong but aesthetically not very fashionable. Composite fillings are both strong and aesthetically pleasing. Those who want to have gum treatment in Turkey usually get this treatment before the smile design treatment.

Gum Treatment in Turkey

Lack of hygiene will lead to an increase of tartar and plaque around the connecting part of the teeth and the gums, in another term: “pockets”. This will irritate the gums. With time and again lack of hygiene, the plaque and tartar will make their way into the gums. This will lead to “gingivitis”. It is the beginning of the gum disease that can be treated and getting the gum back to health is fairly easy at this stage of the problem.

cyst of the tooth root in gum treatment

Even though It is common and easy to fix, not everyone realizes they have a decay, cavity or they do not care because It does not give them any discomfort or pain. After some time, the cavity will get bigger and lead to bigger problems. Most common problem that might happen in the future with neglecting the cavity is going to be a requirement for a root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment, some might not know, is going to “kill” the tooth. It will, in layman’s terms, cut the line between the tooth and the nerve thus the patient will not feel any pain. The pain will still be there but will not make the patient uncomfortable. A dead tooth might not make you uncomfortable but It is not something that should happen.

It can be easily prevented by going to the dentist’s office regularly and taking good care of your mouth hygiene. Mouth hygiene has a correlation with gum diseases. Most of gum treatment process includes dental care. As Dentafly we welcome thousands of people who want to done gum treatment in Turkey. When people checked up by our periodontist, We see that oral hygiene is not given enough importance.

The problem does not just stay there. If a patient had a cavity that led to root canal treatment, this means that there is a cyst at the root of the tooth. It may stop with the root canal treatment but root canal treatment is not a definite and lifelong lasting treatment. There is a 10 to 20 per cent failure rate of root canal treatments.

root pulp solution for Gum Treatment

In this case, there are solutions but the patient needs to be more committed.
Most easy and certain solution is the extraction of the tooth. This is the best solution but of course the patient has lost the tooth. Next is going to be either dental implant or a bridge work with zirconia or porcelain crowns. Different treatments that take much bigger commitments. Unfortunately that does not stop there either.

The gum will shrink and bone loss will occur if the hygiene is not kept at a good level. The gum and bone loss can continue if the hygiene level is not at a high level. Which will make the treatment difficult in the future.
Gum Treatment in Turkey
The under part of the bridge will be open and food can get stuck, there will be less bone for an implant to hold onto, thus this will make it harder to get an implant treatment in the future. If the infection is not stopped at early stages, the gum will take the most harm.

Gum Diseases in Turkey

Lack of hygiene will lead to an increase of tartar and plaque around the connecting part of the teeth and the gums, in another term: “pockets”. This will irritate the gums. With time and again lack of hygiene, the plaque and tartar will make their way into the gums. This will lead to “gingivitis”. It is the beginning of the gum disease that can be treated and getting the gum back to health is fairly easy at this stage of the problem. If the necessary precautions are not taken at this stage, the future will be much more difficult to deal with.

First Stage in Gum Treatment

Lack of caution and oral hygiene will start periodontal diseases. Some of them are easy to deal with but if you do not care about it, the result will be much worse than you would think. Some of the common and first stage problems are:

  • Sensitive gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Sensitive teeth

Gingivitis treatment in Turkey

Second Stage in Gum Treatment

Later stages, the problems are going to increase. You should be careful not to get over this stage. The problems will increase that will make you uncomfortable and the treatment will be that difficult.

Later stages will be:

  • Swollen, red, and/or inflamed gums
  • Gum recession (your teeth will look much longer)
  • Pain when chewing

In this stage, the problems are visible and will start to affect your life. It will be more obvious from outside and it will be undeniable.

Third Stage in Gum Treatment

If not treated until this far:

  • Loose teeth
  • Teeth loss
  • Bone loss

Loose teeth will fall after some time. When there are no teeth that hold the jaw bone, the bone loss will occur. This is a big problem that in the future will lead to gum problems.
Gum diseases after tooth Extraction

Getting an implant will be much difficult and in some cases impossible. A Zygoma implant will be necessary when a normal implant cannot be placed due to bone loss.

A simple problem such as a cavity or tartar and/or plaque that has build up on the teeth can lead to much bigger problems.

What can be done to prevent such problems?

Visiting the dentist’s office regularly for a check up is necessary for dental health and to keep a high level of oral hygiene.

First stage can be reversed if the tartar and plaque have not made its way inside of the gums. This can be done:

  • Brushing regularly
  • Gargling with salty water
  • Using mouthwash regularly

Second stage means that you have gingivitis and/or periodontal disease. The effects of gingivitis and/or periodontal disease can only be reversed by going to the dentist and getting deep cleaning, also known as:
Gum Treatment”.

At the third stage, for the severe cases of periodontal diseases, a dentist will perform surgical treatment in order to prevent the infection from leading to bone, teeth, and gum loss. Dentist will perform:

  • Flap surgery
  • Additional bone and tissue grafts

As It is mentioned, these are surgery-like treatments. They will be difficult for you to go through rather than getting Gum Treatment regularly.

Flap surgery will in Layman’s terms, dentist will lift the gum and deeply and thoroughly clean the gum and teeth surface to prevent further infection.
Adding bone and tissue graft is to rebuild and grow damaged gum and bone.

Gum Treatment Prices in Turkey

The prices are between 150-300 pounds. Laser gum treatment prices start from £200. Here at Dentafly, It is £150 and we also use the AirFlow system to give the teeth its perfect look. Most of the gum treatment patients in Turkey actually visit Turkey for smile design treatment. In this respect, gum treatment in Turkey is performed in a significant number compared to other countries. For this reason, the price is quite affordable. Shortly gum treatment cost is averagely 150 GBP in Turkey.

What is AirFlow technique in gum treatment?

AirFlow is a system that polishes the teeth surface and cleans all the stains, such as: tea, coffee, wine, tobacco.
Traditional cleaning is not always enough to get rid of all the stains. AirFlow uses compressed air, water, and powder particles to clean the surface. This method has been used for a very long time and the effectiveness has proved itself.

Do not neglect your oral hygiene and get Gum Treatment right now at Dentafly.

Sources of Gum Treatment in Turkey Article :


MSc. Dt Soner Arikan

He graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Gazi University in 2004. He has worked on Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry, Cad/Cam dental treatments, and smile designs. He has been a certified dentist for brands like Nobel Biocare Swedish Implant, Bego German Implant, I-System Screwless Implant, and Straumann Swiss Implant since 2006.