
Cost of Dental Implants: Payment Plans, Pricing Table | £550

Dental Implant Prices by Brand

Price information of the best-selling dental implant brands in 2024. Prices may vary by 1-2% when using credit card payments.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Brand Cost
Hiossen 550
Straumann BLX 890
Straumann Group 590
Nobel 750
Sinus Lifting 350

MSc. Dt Soner Arikan

He graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Gazi University in 2004. He has worked on Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry, Cad/Cam dental treatments, and smile designs. He has been a certified dentist for brands like Nobel Biocare Swedish Implant, Bego German Implant, I-System Screwless Implant, and Straumann Swiss Implant since 2006.