Dt. Merve Sezer Topcu
DentaFLY Cosmetic Dentistry Team

Cosmetic Dentist, General Dentist

I recognize that I am part of a journey where every smile design treatment brings lasting happiness.

Surgeon Anil Comruk
Dt. Merve Sezer Topcu

Who is Dt. Merve Sezer Topcu?

Dt. Merve Sezer Topçu was born in Mersin and successfully graduated from Akdeniz University Faculty of Dentistry. Serving patients from all over the world with her experience in health tourism, Dt. Topçu specializes in implant-supported prosthetics, smile design, laminate veneers and zirconia applications.


Every smile we create is a testament to your confidence and joy—designed to make you feel truly proud of who you are.

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Before After Zirconia Crown
Jessica Ratliff
before after
Before After Straumann Teeth
Before After All on 4
Jessica Ratliff
Dental Implant Photos done in Turkey
Dental Implant in Turkey before After Photos
Before After views of Dental Implant Treatment

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