Dt. Mehmet S. Mert
DentaFLY Cosmetic Dentistry Team

Cosmetic Dentist, General Dentist

I aim to maintain the excitement and attention I had on the first day I started my profession. The smiling faces of my patients are my only motivation.

Surgeon Anil Comruk
Dt. Mehmet Salih Mert

Who is Dt. Mehmet S. Mert?

Born in 1987, Dt. Mehmet Salih Mert completed his education at Azerbaijan Medical University and has gained a strong experience in the field of dentistry. With his knowledge in his field and the careful approach he provides to his patients, he focuses on creating aesthetic and healthy smiles. Dt. Mert aims to meet the expectations of his patients in the best way by offering the most appropriate solutions in every treatment process.


Cases of Dt. Mehmet S. Mert


before after zirconia crown-7
Before After Zirconia Crown
Jessica Ratliff
before after
Before After Straumann Teeth
Before After All on 4
Jessica Ratliff
Dental Implant Photos done in Turkey
Dental Implant in Turkey before After Photos
Before After views of Dental Implant Treatment

Reviews of Dt. Mehmet S Mert

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